Friday, December 30, 2011

Cub Scout Courier

Keep an eye on your mailboxes everyone!  The January edition of the Cub Scout Courier was mailed out yesterday!  It has all the information you'll need on our upcoming pack meeting--the Raingutter Regatta!  Also, everyone should have received an email from Ryan about our Blue and Gold Banquet.  This will be held on Saturday February 4th and is without a doubt our most formal pack meeting.  For the past 2 years it's been a potluck meal with no entrance fee, but this year we're tossing around the idea of having it catered with a possible entrance fee per family.  We want your feedback!  Feel free to email Ryan your thoughts or even just enter it in the comments space below!  Thanks everyone!

Happy New Year!  

Monday, December 26, 2011

Worcester Sharks Game

As everyone should know by now, we have an AWESOME opportunity to go see a Worcester Sharks ice hockey game on Saturday, January 21st.  The game starts at 7pm at the DCU center.  We passed order forms out to most of you, but if you didn't get one and would like to go, please email Ryan at NO LATER THAN January 9th!!!  Tickets are $12 per person which includes a patch for our scouts.  Money and any order forms are due to your den leader the week of January 9th, with Tuesday the 10th being our cut off date.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch with Ryan.  The families that went last year had a great time!  So join us for some extra special scout fun!! 

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas party a success!!

A HUGE thank you to everyone who attended our pack meeting last night!  This was our most well-attended pack meeting yet!  Thank you to all the parents who baked for our goodies table and a very, very big thank you to Santa who was able to take time out of his very busy schedule to visit with our boys!!

Every boy who attended last night received a gift from Santa.  It was a raingutter regatta sailboat kit.  This kit will be used for our next pack meeting, on Friday, January 13th.  We will be holding a Raingutter Regatta race!  Boys should start working on making the boats according to the directions on the box.  The only rule that we have is that neither the hull or the mast of the boat may not be cut in any way.  Boys may sand and paint the hull and mast, but catamarans and other types of boats are not allowed.  More information will be coming in the next installment of your Cub Scout Courier so be on the lookout for that.  If you have any questions on how to make the boat, please don't hesitate to get in touch with Ryan LaRoche at


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas Party Friday Night!!

Don't forget about our Christmas Pack meeting/party tomorrow night, December 16 starting at 6:30 pm!  We'll have some advancements, refreshments, games, and oh yeah, Santa himself will be there!  Anyone who wants to bring refreshments may feel free to do so.  We'd certainly appreciate it!   We will also have our corn packs on sale once again to try to generate  some more camp cash!  So bring the whole family and join in the Christmas fun!!!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Important stuff!

First off, thank you to everyone who baked for our bake sale last weekend and thank you to all the scouts and parents that stuck around to sell.  Overall, we made roughly $150 for our campers!  Not only did the boys earn some money, they got some very useful customer service skills and they worked on their math!  It's a win-win!

We have some important events coming up!  Next Friday, December 16th is our Christmas pack meeting!  We will meet in the cafeteria from 6:30-8pm.  We're trying very hard to get in touch with Santa but haven't been able to do so yet.  If you know how to reach Santa, please let Ryan know!  Regardless of Santa coming to our meeting, all scouts will receive a gift as well as siblings.  We will have games, refreshments, and many boys will be receiving advancements that they've earned so far this year.  We are asking that every family who is able bring a new, unwrapped gift to donate to the town's Toys for Joy.  We've always been able to collect a huge box full of toys, so let's keep it up this year! 

Also, the pack committee has heard of a very sweet 3 year old girl from Brookfield named Malia who is bravely fighting Stage 4 Neuroblastoma.  She is currently undergoing a stem cell transplant which will leave her with no immune system.  Because of this, she will be in an isolation unit through Christmas and will not be able to attend any family parties or events.  The family is trying hard to raise her spirit through Christmas cards and are asking everyone to help.  Their goal is to collect 5,000 cards and if each person puts $1 in the card they send, that raises $5,000 for Malia.  If everyone put in $5, they'd raise $25,000!  Even a simple donation of a card with well wishes will go a long way.  If you would like to send her a card (with or without a donation) here's the address...Christmas Cards for Malia--c/o Lytle and Start--83 Old E. Brookfield Rd--North Brookfield, MA  01535    Any checks should be made out to "Soccer for Kids Sake, Inc" and in the memo line please write Christmas cards for Malia.  If you'd like more information you can follow this link.