Bear Den (3rd grade) Information

3rd Grade boys

Weekly meetings are held on Tuesdays from
6:30-7:30PM in the WBES art room

Den Leaders--Melissa Brown & Lori Stevens


  1. We are meeting WEDNESDAY night this week at the Clown School in Warren Ma. Contact me if you have questions.

  2. This coming week we are meeting Saturday the 14th instead of Tuesday. We are going to the Wachusett Meadow Wildlife Sanctuary! Check your email for info!

  3. We will NOT be meeting Thanksgiving week.

    We will be resuming our normal schedule the following week and hopefully having a trip to the State Police in early December!

    Start thinking about the questions you want to ask the troopers about how to stay safe, and how they solve crimes!

  4. Bears are on the move again - parents check your email. We will meet Tuesday at 5:30 - NOTE TIME CHANGE- at the Brookfield State Police Barracks. We are working on a requirement for Bear Rank and an elective.
