Thursday, May 23, 2013

Memorial Day

This is just a reminder to everyone that this coming Monday, May 27th, is the town's annual Memorial Day parade.  We will be meeting at the elementary school (NOT the church) between 8:30 and 8:45am.  Boys that are marching should be in full uniform and wearing comfy shoes.  The parade route goes to the cemetary on New Braintree road, around the common, and up to the American Legion.  It usually ends around 11am or so with snacks and drinks for participants.  We hope to see many cub scouts there to support the holiday. 

On that note, happy Memorial Day to all those that are serving, have served, are planning on serving, and for all the families of those men and women.  We hope everyone has a safe, happy, and fun holiday weekend!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Upcoming Campout

Our Annual spring campout will be taking place this upcoming weekend, May 18-19.  This will be held at the North Brookfield Town Beach on Lake Lashaway.  We will be joining our neighbors from Pack 128 in North Brookfield for this event and it's been promised to be awesome!  Arrival time is any time after 5pm on Saturday.  (Please eat dinner before arriving, or plan on bringing your own to the campout) Departure on Sunday is any time in the morning.  This is a family event, so everyone is encouraged to attend the fun!  We will have a campfire, (with s'mores, of course!) songs, skits, even a polar bear plunge for those crazy enough to brave the cold lake in the morning.  Breakfast and snacks will be provided.  There is no cost for the event, but we do need a headcount for breakfast purposes.  Please contact Ryan as soon as possible with how many in your family will be attending.  As always, Webelos are allowed to camp without an adult, but every other scout attending will need a parent present. 

Let's put the "outing" back in "scouting"!! 
Join us!!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Chuckwagon Event at Treasure Valley

This is the last call for any cub scouts that want to attend the chuckwagon event at Treasure Valley on Saturday, May 11. 

What is the Chuckwagon?  It's a fun council wide event where scouts go around the valley pulling a wagon and visiting various "towns" (think Western themed...).  At each town, the boys are asked to participate in some sort of scouting skill.  Once they complete the task as a team, they are allowed to move to the next town.  As they're traveling, they have the chance to catch "bandits" that are roaming around.  It's a fun way to spend the day and a great way to show some Pack 118 pride!  This event will being at 9am, with registration being at the Valley starting around 8:15 or so.  It will wrap up around 3:30.  Scouts are asked to wear either their scout uniform or cowboy/western costume.  NO WEAPONS will be allowed!!  There will be no cost, as the pack has decided to treat everyone to this event.  Lunch and a patch will be provided.  Any adults planning on attending will have to purchase or bring their own lunch.  Boys should all bring a water bottle, filled of course!  Bug spray and sunblock (not that it will be sunny) are also a good thought for this event as well.
If you'd like more information, please contact Kim Churchill, the event coordinator for our pack at