Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thank you Pack 118!!

Thank you Pack 118 for a fun filled night of healthy snacks and fun exercise!  Kudos to our Webelos (Dan M, Nathen, Hunter, Domynic, and Alex) for being team leaders in our food group cooking contest.  Teams 1 and 2 tied for first place with 12 points, team 4 came in second with 10 points, and team 3 rounded it out with 9 points!!  Quite impressive was the teamwork and effort put into every dish!  Extra Kudos to our 3 judges who sampled each dish: Paul, Michelle, and Kim were very brave souls for volunteering!  

Our freeze dance game was just as much fun, especially for the bear den who are the proud winners of the Pack 118 Spirit Stick!  It was great to see the kids let loose dancing, and it was even better to see our fearless parents get out there as well.  Congrats to Tim Churchill who was our last adult standing!  

A pack meeting wouldn't be complete without thanking everyone involved.  Thank you to everyone who donated toys for our toy collection.  While we didn't fill our box, we are still helping families in town have a merrier Christmas.  We will continue to collect toys until our December pack event on December 17.  Thank you to our set up crew, including Nathen, Hunter, Domynic, Kyle, Owen, and Evan and thank you to the adults who helped clean up the "kitchens" after our cookoff and helped re-stack chairs and set up tables.  You guys are truly what helps keep this pack going strong. 

Check out these 2 short videos from our Freeze Dance game!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Pack event next week

A reminder to everyone that next Tuesday, November 19th is our monthly pack event.  We will host a family Health & fitness night from 6:30-7:30pm in the WBES cafeteria.  We will have some fun, physical activities as well as a healthy group cook-off.  The whole family is welcome to attend and join in the fun.  Scouts are asked to please wear their uniforms.  

Also, we will be collecting toys for the West Brookfield Elementary School.  Each year, they help out families in town who would otherwise not have gifts under the tree for Christmas.  We've had great success each year helping out this wonderful project.  So please, if you are in a position to do so, bring a new unwrapped gift to our meeting Tuesday to donate to a family in need.  

See you all then!!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Schedule of Events

At our committee meeting last week, our members got together and planned our events for the year.  You will receive all information in your monthly cub scout courier (you should have received your November edition already) but if you just can't wait to see what's in store, check out our schedule of events page!  Dates and times are always subject to change due to the approval from the elementary school, but our list will at least give you a rough idea.  

Don't forget our vendor fair is coming up on Saturday, November 9th from 9-2 at the school.  We are still in need of volunteers to help us sell our wares!  Every scout that volunteers for at least an hour will receive a camp cash certificate that he can put toward his scout camp tuition this summer.  If you'd like to volunteer, please email our camp coordinator, Amy, at  Can't volunteer this year?  No problem!  Come check us out and see what else is for sale!