Friday, February 12, 2016

A Few Reminders

Just a few reminders for everyone...

Tonight, February 12, is the Monster Jam event for those families that purchased tickets.  We just found out earlier this week that there will be a scout clinic starting at 5:15pm.  The boys will be able to talk to the drivers of the trucks and ask questions.  This will last until about 6pm at which time everyone will be able to find their seats.  Anyone attending the clinic should go in using door 16.  Boys should be in uniform since this is a scout event.  If not uniforms, then new pack 118 t-shirts.  

Everyone should have received a pinewood derby car.  Our race will be held on March 19 at WBES.  More details were provided in your Cub Scout Courier which was mailed earlier this week.  Please note that every car must follow the rules posted on this blog on our "pinewood derby rules" page.  Cars that don't follow these rules will not be eligible to win prizes.  We have a few extra cars left if anyone would like to purchase one to make.  We do have a sibling race as well as an adult race.  Extra cars are $4 each.  

Don't forget that our camp fundraiser (selling nuts, candy, snacks, etc) is currently in full swing.  ALL money and order forms are due to Amy NO LATER THAN Tuesday, February 23.  If you haven't started selling yet and you want to, please contact Amy at  Scouts will receive a 50% profit of anything they sell to put toward summer camp.  

Our Blue and Gold Banquet was awesome! A huge thank you to everyone who joined in our celebration!  Have a happy vacation week, everyone!