Saturday, September 24, 2016

Den meeting schedules

We wanted to make everyone aware of a few changes to weekly den meeting schedules and we want to apologize for all the confusion regarding this.  Please see your den's specific page to see the correct den meeting day and time.  

Also, please watch your mailboxes as the October edition of the cub scout courier will be mailed out early this week.  

For all of our new families, welcome to pack 118!  If you ever have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact Amy LaRoche, our cubmaster at the following email

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Registration Continued

Welcome back to scouts, everyone!!

Did you miss our registration dates last week?  Still interested in signing up for cub scouts?  Not a problem!!  We will welcome boys any time of year!  Most of our dens begin meetings this week, so if you'd like to still register, simply come to one of the meetings.  If you'd like more information, you can email our Cubmaster, Amy LaRoche at

It's going to be a great year!!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Cub scout Registration Dates

Happy back to school everyone!
With school back in session it's time to start thinking about Pack 118 Cub Scout fun again!  We will be holding 2 registration nights this year.  The first one will be on Tuesday, September 13 from 6:30-7:30pm behind the school and we will also be at the school's open house on Wednesday, September 14 from 6-7.  

The cost for registration this year is $30 for returning scouts and $45 for boys joining the pack this year.  (the $45 includes a hat and neckerchief that are part of the uniform)

Cub Scouts is open to boys in grades 1-5, with the possibility of opening it up to kindergarten boys in early 2017.  Cub Scouts have a den meeting once per week (see the den specific pages to find out when) and one pack meeting per month.  The cub scout program helps boys learn new, exciting things while fostering citizenship, respect, kindness, duty to others.  We have fun outings, camp outs, our pinewood derby, and other special guests and activities.  

If you have any questions about registration or cub scouts in general, don't hesitate to contact Amy LaRoche at  You can also "like" us on Facebook under Cub Scout Pack 118

We're all looking forward to another fun year!

**Have a boy in 6th grade or older that's interested in scouts?  Check out boy scout troop 118 on Facebook under West Brookfield Boy Scout Troop 118 for more information