Monday, October 17, 2011


Don't forget everyone...our Halloween Party/Pack Meeting is this Friday from 6:30-7:30 pm at the school.  We'll have lots of games, crafts, a costume contest ( so make sure you wear yours) and other spooky yet fun activities!  The whole family is invited to attend so bring them all!  Also, remember that if you get a friend who isn't a scout to join scouts, you will receive a very special and very rare recruiter patch!  So bring your family AND friends!!!

Also, the District Spookaree will be held on Saturday starting at 5pm!  Everyone should have received a flyer with info about this event.  Every boy receives a patch for attending!  This is set up similar to our party, but with one huge advantage...the entire district is there!  This is a great opportunity for our scouts to meet others from surrounding towns.  AND ITS REALLY FUN!!!  If you need any more information, please don't hesitate to contact our cubmaster!

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