Monday, March 26, 2012

Pinewood Derby Update!!

Congratulations to all of the boys that participated in our annual pinewood derby this past Saturday!  Out of our 52 registered boys, 38 built and raced a car.  And all those cars looked amazing!  We had a wide variety of cars...from a turtle, a shark, and a snake, to the Mystery Machine, an Army tank, and even a Bruins car!  We even had a special parents and siblings race that proved to be a lot of fun!  Everyone "did their best" and it certainly showed!  Below you'll find our list of top finishers for each den!

Tigers:     1--Gabe, 2--Bryan, 3--Nicholas
Wolves:  1--Nicholas, 2--Michael, 3--Scott
Bears:     1--Teylor, 2--Daniel S, 3--Evan
Webelos:  1--Kai, 2--John, 3--Justin
Cobra Patrol:  1--Josh, 2--Jacob, 3--Phillip

The winner of our parent/sibling race was Kaitlyn
And the winner of our crowd favorite car was Brandon!

A HUGE thank you to the "pit crew"...Doug, our computer guy; Amy G, our car runner; Mark, our official "eyes" at the end of the track; and Amy L, official car check-in person.  Thank you also to everyone who attended and helped us clean up after.  It truly is appreciated!  Congratulations everyone!

photo courtesy of Bob Potvin
photo courtesy of Bob Potvin

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