Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ecotarium trip on Saturday!

Hopefully everyone is getting super excited about our special trip this weekend!  It's our Ecotarium overnight!  Some things to remember...we all need to meet at the Ecotarium no later than 6:30.  Our program will start right at 7pm, so we need to be on time!  Please remember to eat dinner before you arrive!  Also remember that we will be sleeping on the floor of the museum, so if you want to bring air mattresses, feel free!  We will have a late night snack which will be provided to us, but if you'd like to bring your own, that's fine too.  Breakfast will be provided in the morning as well.  Be sure to bring warm clothes as we do embark on a very early morning hike and Sunday morning is supposed to be cold!  Be prepared!  Boys should wear either their actual scout uniform or at the very least, their Pack 118 tshirt and hat.  For more information, please see the Ecotarium page to the right or give Ryan a call at (508)867-8367 or email him at 

*We do have a couple spots left if anyone else would like to join us.  Please call Ryan ASAP so we'll know to expect you!  Again, the cost is $10 for cub scouts and $30 for an adult or sibling. 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Weekend Campout

As some of you may have heard, we're planning a weekend family campout!  It's still about a month away (May 18, 19, 20th) but that gives you all plenty of time to prepare!  This awesome event will be held at Outdoor World in Sturbridge and is actually a campground that has running water, showers, a pool, etc.  There will be sign up sheets going around at den meetings so if you're interested in going, please sign up!  Since it is the entire weekend, please feel free to come and go as you want.  We'll plan some meals, games, activities, etc.  It's going to be tons of fun!!!  There will eventually be a page to the right dedicated to this campout, so check back soon!

We also have another camping opportunity in June, but more information on that will be coming out later!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Walk of Champions

Even though the Walk of Champions isn't being held until Sunday, May 6th, Amy Gray (our team coordinator) is asking that anyone donating money present that to her no later than next Tuesday, April 24th, as she has to turn it in at the end of the month. 

Remember that if you would still like to walk with us you may even if you haven't signed up to, and if you can't walk but want to donate, please feel free to do so! 

Any questions, don't hesitate to get in contact with our Cubmaster, Ryan, at

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Cake Bake a Success--sort of!

We have to give a HUGE thank you to the 13 boys, yes, 13 boys, that attended our cake bake Friday night.  The cakes looked amazing!  You all used your creativity and imagination and they came out fantastic!  Even though we only had 13 scouts attend, our generous attendees were able to donate just over $300 to little Malia!  Hopefully everyone had a good time and had some good laughs!  Yuuuuup!!!

Tommy & Justin were the high bidders so they got to do the honors...

Cubmaster Ryan is a great sport!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

last day for cans!

Don't forget our cake bake this coming Friday, but don't forget that it's also the last day to donate your returnable cans and bottles to our can "camp"aign!  We've raised about $60 so far, and we still have about 5 bags to turn in!  A HUGE thanks to the bear den as they've turned all those in!  Also on Friday, we'll be announcing our winners of the essay contest!  You don't want to miss that!  Join us at 6:30 Friday night for lots of fun and excitement!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Cake Bake Auction on Friday

A friendly reminder that our annual cake bake auction is being held this Friday, April 13 from 6:30-8pm at the Elementary School.  Boys are asked to bake and decorate a cake (keeping with the theme of "going camping") at home and bring it to the event to be auctioned off.  All of the money raised will be going to our little friend Malia who is still receiving treatment for her cancer.  We will also have a jar that we are challenging everyone to fill with change.  If the jar is full at the end of our meeting, Ryan will receive a cake right in the face! 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Walk of Champions

Pack 118 is pleased to once again be taking part in the Walk of Champions put on by Baystate Mary Lane Hospital.  This walk is put together to raise money for families that are currently affected by cancer.  Everyone knows someone who has survived, is fighting, or who has lost their battle with cancer.  Den 3 even has it's own cancer survivor, JR!  The date for the walk is Sunday, May 6th and takes place at the Quabbin Reservoir.  Our "team captain", and assistant bear leader,  Amy Gray is trying to compile a list of walkers as well as their shirt sizes so that she can turn in our registration form. To get our team name on our shirts, we need to be registered by April 6th, so email Amy ASAP!!!!  If you are interested, please email her ASAP at  If you cannot walk with us, but would still like to support the "scouts for survivors" team, again, please email Amy and she will gladly accept your donation.  We were able to raise over $700 last year and this year we'd love to top that!  Let's all come together, Pack 118, and show cancer patients that we care!!! 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April 3--Deadlines!

Just a last minute reminder that this coming Tuesday, April 3rd, is the deadline for 2 very important events. 

#1--This is the last day to sign up for and turn money in for our Ecotarium trip.  This is a wonderful time for everyone that attends...we will be attending a planetarium show, making our own telescopes, exploring the museum (which we have all to ourselves!), getting a tour of the animals, and so much more!  Every boy that attends will receive his astronomy belt loop and a special patch.  The cost is $10 per cub scout and $30 for anyone else that would like to join us.  We aren't even half full, so siblings are encouraged to attend!  We do sleep over (yes, on the hard museum floor) and stay up late, but it really is a GREAT time!!  A sign up sheet will be going around this Tuesday, or you can email Ryan at if you want to sign up. 

#2--Summer camp is just around the corner and we're trying to help our campers out!  We are holding our second annual essay contest.  Boys are encouraged to write an essay based on our theme, "what does the cubscout motto mean to me?" to try to earn a full campership to the camp of his choice.  (Our graduating Webelos have the chance to win $250 toward their camp fee) Essays should be handwritten and should be in the boys own words.  Tuesday is the last day to turn these in as they will be voted on later in the week.  Smaller camperships are also going to be awarded, so get those essays in!  (If you would like to send your scout to summer camp but the camp fee is a problem for your family, please check out our summer camp page to the right and find our link to the campership application page.  Mohegan Council offers camperships to those families that need it.)

misprint in CS Courier!!


In this month's cub scout courier, it was stated that on April 21st we would be volunteering our time at the annual lake cleanup on Lake Wickaboag.  This is actually for a different lake cleanup!!!  The Lake Wickaboag cleanup day that we will be volunteering for will be held on Saturday, May 26 from 9-12noon.  More information will be going out about that in our next newsletter.  We truly are sorry for the misinformation!