Sunday, April 1, 2012

April 3--Deadlines!

Just a last minute reminder that this coming Tuesday, April 3rd, is the deadline for 2 very important events. 

#1--This is the last day to sign up for and turn money in for our Ecotarium trip.  This is a wonderful time for everyone that attends...we will be attending a planetarium show, making our own telescopes, exploring the museum (which we have all to ourselves!), getting a tour of the animals, and so much more!  Every boy that attends will receive his astronomy belt loop and a special patch.  The cost is $10 per cub scout and $30 for anyone else that would like to join us.  We aren't even half full, so siblings are encouraged to attend!  We do sleep over (yes, on the hard museum floor) and stay up late, but it really is a GREAT time!!  A sign up sheet will be going around this Tuesday, or you can email Ryan at if you want to sign up. 

#2--Summer camp is just around the corner and we're trying to help our campers out!  We are holding our second annual essay contest.  Boys are encouraged to write an essay based on our theme, "what does the cubscout motto mean to me?" to try to earn a full campership to the camp of his choice.  (Our graduating Webelos have the chance to win $250 toward their camp fee) Essays should be handwritten and should be in the boys own words.  Tuesday is the last day to turn these in as they will be voted on later in the week.  Smaller camperships are also going to be awarded, so get those essays in!  (If you would like to send your scout to summer camp but the camp fee is a problem for your family, please check out our summer camp page to the right and find our link to the campership application page.  Mohegan Council offers camperships to those families that need it.)

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