Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Camporee this Weekend!!

The first annual, Massasoit District Cub Camporee is taking place this weekend!  We will be camping out at Brookfield Orchards on Saturday, June 2nd starting around 1pm.  There are lots of activities planned and lots of fun to be had!  If you would like to attend please send Ryan an email at and let him know how many will be attending.  You can check out our camping page to the left for more information. 

Also this weekend is the Walker Memorial ceremony.  This will take place on Saturday at 5pm.  Those attending the campout will automatically be attending, as it's billed into the schedule for the day.  Anyone wishing to attend just the ceremony may.  Please arrive at Walnut Grove Cemetary (down the road from the orchard) in full uniform by 5pm.  This lasts about an hour or so.  The ceremony is held in memory of those scouts and leaders that have passed away since this time last year.  It's a great way for the pack to pay its respects to those who have given and passed. 

We hope you can join us!!!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Memorial Day Parade

Everyone knows that Monday, May 28 is Memorial Day, and everyone should know by now that we march in the parade here in town.  There has been a slight change in plans this year that everyone should be made aware of.  Monday morning, between 8:30 and 8:45am we will meet for the parade AT THE SCHOOL!  We will not be meeting at the church like usual.  Please make sure boys are in FULL uniforms (uniform shirt tucked in, blue pants/shorts, hat, neckerchief w/slide...) They should also bring a water bottle as it looks like it'll be a hot day!  Remember that Tigers need to have a parent march as well, but marching alongside the parade within sight of us is fine.  Please join us for this special event!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Great weekend!

Thank you to the 7 scouts and their families that participated in our family campout!  Hopefully Nathaniel, Nathen, Cameron, Teylor, Josh, Allan, and Justin (as well as Katelyn) all had a great time!  It might have been a small crowd but everyone participated willingly in everything that was offered.  From "kicked up s'mores" to omelets in a bag and campfire pizza, boys had a great attitude!  A HUGE thank you to Outdoor World in Sturbridge for allowing us to use their facilities at no cost!  And a huge thanks to Laurie for setting that up for us! 

Our next camping adventure, which will hopefully lure more of the pack in, will be in 2 weeks on June 2 & 3!  This will take place at the Brookfield Orchards in North Brookfield and is a District event.  We will also be participating in the Walker Memorial Scout service to remember those scouts that have passed away this past year.  There are tons of activities planned and it promises to be a good time.  The cost for this event is $5 per person and includes all the food and a patch for everyone.  Please see the campout page to the right for more detailed information.  See your den leader to sign up or email Ryan at

We also have coming up on Saturday, May 26th, the Lake Wickaboag clean up day.  The scouts have been asked to join in the Lake Wickaboag Association in cleaning up the lake area to get it ready for summer.  This should run from 9am until about 11am.  Everyone should meet at the town beach area.  Please wear your pack 118 t-shirts as well as your hat.  Please bring work gloves if you have them or just regular latex or vinyl gloves, as we will be cleaning up trash.  It's a great way for our boys to get out there in the community!  Please join us!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Weekend Campout

This weekend will be our annual family campout!  This year it will be held all weekend long, unlike in years past when it was only one night!  We'll be camping out at Outdoor World in Sturbridge on Friday and Saturday, May 18 &19th, with our departure day Sunday May 20.  If you are planning on arriving Friday, please do so after dinnertime, (around 6:30 or so) and please be sure to eat dinner before arriving.  We will have some campfire snacks when the sun goes down!  Our committee has planned a weekend full of fun events so please join us!  Can't stay the entire weekend?  No problem!  Come and go as you'd like.  If you haven't already signed up to come, please email Ryan at and let him know you'll be there. We have a mighty small group of campers right now, but lots of fun will still be had!  Check out our campout page to the right for more information.  Hope to see you there! 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Thank you walkers!

While the morning started out gray, it turned out PERFECT for our group of walkers at the Walk of Champions this past Sunday!  It was nice to see so many little smiling faces ready to show support for those that have battled and are currently battling cancer.  A HUGE thank you to Mrs. O'Shea who chose to walk with our group "Scouts for Survival"!  It was truly our honor!  At last tally, our small (but generous) group raised about $1200 for the cause!  Way to go everyone and thank you for supporting the Walk of Champions!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Walk of Champions

A reminder that the Walk of Champions is this coming Sunday, May 6th!  We will be meeting at the Quabbin Reservoir for 9am.  Please make sure you are wearing your "scouts for survival" tshirts as well as your pack 118 hat if you have one!  Bring a water bottle--it's supposed to be nice and warm!  To date we have raised about $850, which beats last year's total!  Way to go Pack 118!  Hope to see all of you there!