Monday, May 14, 2012

Weekend Campout

This weekend will be our annual family campout!  This year it will be held all weekend long, unlike in years past when it was only one night!  We'll be camping out at Outdoor World in Sturbridge on Friday and Saturday, May 18 &19th, with our departure day Sunday May 20.  If you are planning on arriving Friday, please do so after dinnertime, (around 6:30 or so) and please be sure to eat dinner before arriving.  We will have some campfire snacks when the sun goes down!  Our committee has planned a weekend full of fun events so please join us!  Can't stay the entire weekend?  No problem!  Come and go as you'd like.  If you haven't already signed up to come, please email Ryan at and let him know you'll be there. We have a mighty small group of campers right now, but lots of fun will still be had!  Check out our campout page to the right for more information.  Hope to see you there! 

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