Monday, June 11, 2012


One more time, we'd like to congratulate all the boys on a job well done this year!  Every boy worked very hard and hopefully every boy had a good time doing it!  A HUGE thank you to our Cubmaster, Ryan LaRoche, who worked our graduating den to the bone!  The boys all grew to know him as a leader, a mentor, and a friend.  I believe there were tears in his eyes as he watched those boys cross that bridge to boy scouts! 

Another thank you to all you parents for all the work you put in with your sons.  Without the family support at home, scouts would surely fall flat.  Cub Scouts is a family driven program and we try to incorporate families as much as we can.  That being said, anyone interested in taking on a more active role may contact Ryan ( to get more information on how our committee works. 

To all the den leaders, GREAT JOB this year!  You've all heard the saying "it's only an hour a week" when talking about the commitment of a den, but truly, it's so much more than that!  Our leaders work tirelessly to plan meetings, outings, events and it's not easy work trying to figure out who did what requirements and who was at that outing, etc.  They all deserve a very loud round of applause for all the hard, unseen work that they do! 

Keep checking the blog this summer, as we'll be posting every now and then.  We're hoping to put up our registration form for the fall to make that easier for everyone.  We are also hoping to put some links to requirements for belt loops and such so boys can work at home.  We'll also post some summer camp pictures so if you get any, please send them to Amy at

Hope to see you all in the fall everyone!!!  And again, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

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