Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Pinewood This Saturday!

Are you ready for some racing fun????  Our pinewood derby is being held this Saturday, March 16, from 3-5pm in the cafeteria. 
Everyone is asked to join us on Friday the 15th at some point between 6 & 8pm to get your car checked in and registered so we can get right down to business on Saturday.  Remember that all cars need to weigh 5oz (no more, no less).  If you're close, Friday night will be a piece of cake!  We will simply weigh the car on our official scale, give you a number, and send you on your way.  We will garage all cars until Saturday afternoon to insure nothing happens that will damage them before the big race.  We will have materials on hand to add/subtract weight if needed.  If you cannot make the Friday check-in, please plan on arriving at the derby by 2:30 so we can get the car checked in. 

We will be racing dens together, meaning that tigers will race tigers, wolves race wolves, etc.  Once your den's race begins, we cannot add cars, so it's important that everyone arrive on time. 

Everyone needs to remember that this is a Cub Scout event and as along as our scouts do their best, they are all winners.  Good sportsmanship is a MUST and anyone displaying anything other than that may be asked to leave.  The decision of the judges is the official decision and it must be respected. 
It's not about being the best, it's about doing your best!

Good luck to all our racers!  (And don't forget to bring your pennies...)

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