Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Welcome, new scouts & families!

Our 2013-2014 scout registration was a huge success!!  As of right now, we will be welcoming 6 brand new tigers as well as many new scouts from West Brookfield and beyond.  We are excited that you've joined pack 118 and hope that you are all excited as well.  If you haven't joined yet, or if you know of someone who might like to join, registration is ALWAYS open.  We encourage boys to join any time of the year--it's never too late--so please pass along Ryan's  We will have a table at open house tomorrow night, September 19, so come check us out!

It looks like all dens will be having their first meeting next Tuesday, September 24th.  Please check out your den's specific page (to the right) for detailed information, including den leader contacts.  We are hoping to have our pack meeting schedule ready to go shortly, so keep an eye on that page as well for even more fun!  

We did want to make everyone aware of an exciting event taking place this weekend in Sturbridge.  It isn't a scout event, but it is an outdoors event, it is free, and it is really cool!  It's the Massachusetts Outdoor Exposition and its held at Hamilton Rod and Gun Club in Sturbridge.  Click this link to see the full details.

Again, welcome to pack 118!!

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