Monday, October 28, 2013

Committee Meeting

Pack 118 will be holding a committee/leader meeting this coming Wednesday, October 30 from 6:30-7:30pm in the WBES Cafeteria.  If anyone is interested in joining our committee or just coming to see what we do, please feel free to join us!  We're looking for some new adults to join our crew so we can have fresh, fun ideas.  As a committee, we plan pack events, field trips, fundraisers, and much more!  Come check us out!!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Autumn Awesomeness=AWESOME!!

We'd like to thank everyone who came to our first pack event this past Tuesday!  Everyone's costumes looked fantastic and it seemed like all the boys had fun with the activities!  A special thank you to those that helped run our stations--without volunteers, the pack could not succeed!  If anyone has any pictures from Tuesday that you'd like to share, please send them to Amy at and we can post them here for everyone to see.  

The next event we have coming up is the WBES Vendor Fair which is being held on Saturday, November 9 from 9-2 at the school.  We had a station on Tuesday where the boys filled corn packs and made cocoa mix in jars.  We will be selling these items to help raise money for summer camp.  Any boy that volunteers an hour at the fair will receive pack 118 "camp cash" to put toward his camp registration fee.  We've done this the past 2 years and we've raised a total of almost $800!!  If you'd be interested in having your scout(s) help out, please email Amy at the above address and let her know.  We are asking that boys volunteer for at least 1 hour in order to  earn his "cash".  Time slots begin at 8:30am for set up and continue until 2:30pm for cleanup but we're only allowing 4 boys per hour.  If there's a time you'd prefer, sign up fast before it's taken.  Amy will also have the sign up sheet at the den meeting next week if anyone would like to sign up then.  Please feel free to ask any questions you may have.  

Thanks again everyone, and have a Happy, but safe, Halloween!!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Autumn Awesomeness!!

Our first pack meeting of the new scouting year will take place this coming Tuesday, October 22nd from 6:30pm-7:30pm in the West Brookfield Elementary School Cafeteria.  This will be our "Autumn Awesomeness" pack event where we will celebrate everything autumn--including Halloween!!  Kids (and adults!) are encouraged to wear their Halloween costume to help get in the spirit!  We will have games, crafts and other activities for everyone to participate in.  We will also be handing out any advancements that the boys earned at summer camp this past year.  As always, this is a family event so bring everyone along!  If you have any questions, you can contact our Cubmaster, Ryan LaRoche, at (508)867-8367 or email him at

Get ready to have an AWESOME time!!!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Mohegan Council Spook-o-ree

The first big scout event of the year is one that our Council puts on for all the cub scouts in surrounding towns.  This is a HUGE event every year but it is one that is tons of fun for the kids.  It's called the Spook-O-Ree and it's held at Treasure Valley Scout Reservation in Rutland.  (if you drive by the Black and White restaurant in Spencer, it's the second road on your left.  TVSR itself will be on your left hand side just after the National Grid station)  The cost is $8 per child (parents are free) and siblings are welcome to join in.  This is a pre-register only event, so we need to have your name and payment in by October 11 (by 9am) so we can meet the registration deadline.  Every child that attends will receive a special patch!
The event consists of many Halloween-themed stations set up around the Valley.  There are games, scout building exercises, mazes, and more.  Kids can go in costume as they do have "trick or treating" at every station, so they should also bring some type of bucket to put their loot in.  Last year they had a pumpkin catapult, haunted maze, dart throwing (at balloons), small crafts, and more.  They also have a small concession stand for anyone wishing to purchase some snacks.  The directors of this event have requested that no masks be worn and NO WEAPONS be brought in. 
The Spook-o-Ree runs from 3-8pm on Saturday, October 26.  It is a come whenever you want event, so you certainly don't have to plan on 5 hours!   Please let Ryan, our cubmaster, know if you are interested in attending or if you'd like more information at ASAP!!