Thursday, October 17, 2013

Autumn Awesomeness!!

Our first pack meeting of the new scouting year will take place this coming Tuesday, October 22nd from 6:30pm-7:30pm in the West Brookfield Elementary School Cafeteria.  This will be our "Autumn Awesomeness" pack event where we will celebrate everything autumn--including Halloween!!  Kids (and adults!) are encouraged to wear their Halloween costume to help get in the spirit!  We will have games, crafts and other activities for everyone to participate in.  We will also be handing out any advancements that the boys earned at summer camp this past year.  As always, this is a family event so bring everyone along!  If you have any questions, you can contact our Cubmaster, Ryan LaRoche, at (508)867-8367 or email him at

Get ready to have an AWESOME time!!!

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