Monday, December 2, 2013

White Christmas in WB

We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year!  

Cub Scout Couriers have all been mailed, emailed, or handed out, so watch your mailbox!  Our next pack event will be our holiday party on Tuesday, December 17th from 6:30-7:30.  

Our next event will be held this coming Sunday, December 8 from 12-3pm.  West Brookfield is hosting it's annual White Christmas in West Brookfield and Pack 118 plays a part in that.  We will have a bake sale at the school (in the back hallway) to help raise money for summer camp.  We are in need of baked goods to sell.  (We will also have leftover corn packs and cocoa jars)  We are also in need of scouts to come and help us sell the goods.  Any scout that comes up to help out for at least 1 hour will receive a portion of our profit to put toward summer camp tuition.  Please email Amy at if you are interested in volunteering.

If you would like to bake something for us to sell, Ryan will be at the school on Sunday at 11:30.  Goods may be dropped off any time after that.  If you cannot make it Sunday to drop goods off, but would still like to bake, please email Ryan at and he can arrange a time to get together. 

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email either of the above addresses.  We hope to see everyone on Sunday!

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