Monday, March 10, 2014

Gentlemen...start your engines!!

Who out there has completed their pinewood derby car???  Who out there has started their pinewood derby car???  Many of us are guilty of still having the kit sealed in the box, but our event is coming up FAST!!  Pinewood cars take a lot more designing and take a lot more time to cut out, sand, paint and perfect.  It is strongly recommended that cars get started soon!!

Our pinewood derby is being held on:
Saturday, March 22
WBES Cafeteria
All cars should be checked in the previous night, March 21st sometime between 6 and 7:30pm in the science lab.  (Across the hall from the caf) Once cars have been checked in on Friday, we will "garage" them overnight so they don't get broken and they'll be ready to go on Saturday.  If you absolutely cannot make it on Friday, plan on arriving at 3pm on Saturday to go through the check in process.  ALL CARS MUST MEET THE PACK 118 DERBY REQUIREMENTS in order to receive trophies.  Requirements can be found to the right on our pinewood derby page.  (The only exception to this is our Arrow of Light Den who will be allowed to "jack up" their cars this year) 

We will be selling refreshments during the derby to help raise some extra money for our campership program and we'll have the den jars out for our penny wars!!  

Please keep in mind that this is a race for the boys and a chance for them to be creative and build something they can be proud of.  How much pride is there when a boy races a car that was bought off of eBay?  How much pride is there when a boy races a car he watched an adult build?  We will have an adult race as well as a sibling race for those of you who just can't stand to be onlookers!  If you need a car, please contact Ryan at

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