Sunday, November 30, 2014

We're on Facebook!

We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving (despite the snow).  It's always nice to spend time with family, eating delicious food, and enjoying time off. 
Cub Scout couriers for december will be mailed out on Tuesday, so be sure to watch your emails/mailboxes!  Also, Pack 118 is now on Facebook!  For those of you that enjoy this social media site, this is an easy way for you to stay in contact with us.  You can follow this link  or you can search "Cub Scout Pack 118" in the Facebook search engine and look for our neckerchief as the profile picture.  Feel free to "Like" us so you'll continuously in the loop and also feel free to add any pictures you take at den meetings or pack events. 
More information will be coming soon, but our next pack meeting will be on Tuesday, December 16 and we have received word that a certain North Pole resident will be visiting...

Monday, November 17, 2014

Respect Rally tomorrow night!

Just a quick reminder that tomorrow night, November 18, will be our monthly pack meeting from 6:30-7:30 at WBES.  This will be our "Respect Rally" so everyone is encouraged to attend.  While we did promote a special guest attending, unfortunately he had to back out at the last minute.  We will substitute his presentation by working on a special belt loop.  We will also give out all the advancements our summer campers earned this past season.  Don't forget your pennies!!  All dens will have their penny wars containers present so let the wars continue!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Happy Veteran's Day

Pack 118 would like to wish all veteran's a very happy Veteran's Day!  Without the bravery of all the men and women who have fought for our freedom, we wouldn't be here.  For those that gave the the ultimate gift, we could never be grateful enough.  If you know a veteran, thank him/her today and every day. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Penny Wars and Vendor Fair

Don't forget that this coming Saturday is the WBES Vendor Fair and Pack 118 has a table to help raise money for camp!!  We'll be at the school (in the hallway) from 9-2 selling our bird feeders as well as some other items we have left over from previous years.  Boys that come to help us sell will be rewarded with "camp cash" that they can put toward their summer camp tuition.  There are plenty of spots left for volunteers, so please email Amy at if you'd like to sign up your scout.  The sign up sheet will also be at den meetings tomorrow night if anyone would like to sign up then.  Volunteering scouts should wear their scout uniform to the event. 

Also, our penny wars are heating up!  Check out the wolf den's bucket!!
Remember to only put pennies in your den's bucket.  Save your silver to sabotage the other dens.  Each den brings their bucket to den meetings, so bring your change!  The den with the highest penny total will be the winner of the penny wars!  (again, all money raised gets put toward camperships for summer camp)