Sunday, November 30, 2014

We're on Facebook!

We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving (despite the snow).  It's always nice to spend time with family, eating delicious food, and enjoying time off. 
Cub Scout couriers for december will be mailed out on Tuesday, so be sure to watch your emails/mailboxes!  Also, Pack 118 is now on Facebook!  For those of you that enjoy this social media site, this is an easy way for you to stay in contact with us.  You can follow this link  or you can search "Cub Scout Pack 118" in the Facebook search engine and look for our neckerchief as the profile picture.  Feel free to "Like" us so you'll continuously in the loop and also feel free to add any pictures you take at den meetings or pack events. 
More information will be coming soon, but our next pack meeting will be on Tuesday, December 16 and we have received word that a certain North Pole resident will be visiting...

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