Monday, April 27, 2015

Day of Service a HUGE Success!!

We want to send out a huge thank you to everyone who participated in our Day of Service at the elementary school.  During our 6 hours (with 13 scouts and their families) we were able to build 3 picnic tables, clean out the front and side gardens, mulch those gardens, and rake up the back area a bit.  We also collected a shocking 3 trash bags full of trash we found all over the school grounds.  While we haven't yet heard directly from Mrs. Mucha, we know she'll appreciate everyone's hard work to make our school look amazing!

On another note, Tuesday, May 12 will be our next Pack event.  We will be meeting at the Rock House in town at 6:30 pm for a pack hike.  Please be sure to wear your pack 118 hat!!

Watch your mail boxes--Cub Scout Couriers for May will be mailed to everyone this week!

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