Monday, September 21, 2015

Family Camp Out

This coming weekend, September 26 & 27 is our first family camp out for the 2015-2016 scout year.  It will be held at Treasure Valley Scout Reservation (394 Pleasantdale Road in Rutland).  Families may arrive any time after 1pm on Saturday.  We should be ready to leave between 9 and 10 am on Sunday morning.  We will have a variety of activities for everyone.  We will have a hike around the camp, songs and skits around the campfire, and individual den activities.  The pack will provide all the food needed for the weekend, but families are asked to bring the following:

Sleeping Bags
warm clothes and pajamas
Air mattresses & pump (optional, but will be nice to have!)
Bug Spray
Sun block
Shoes appropriate for the woods (no flip flops)
Extra set of clothes  
Recreational stuff (fishing poles, football, etc)
Waterbottle filled with water
*Please leave video games at home*

As of right now, the weather looks fantastic, although it will be chilly overnight.  Please be prepared for that.  We will be cooking our dinner over the campfire and it will consist of quesadilla/pizza pockets and hot dogs.  There will be marshmallows and maybe a surprise dessert for our evening snack. Breakfast will simply be cereal and fruit.  We will have cocoa, coffee, and tea available as well.  If your son is a picky eater or has special dietary needs, please feel free to bring something that he will eat.  

Remember that every rank has a requirement to camp in order to receive their badge at the end of the year.  This camp out will complete many components of that requirement.  Feel free to bring the whole family!  (A reminder that any scout NOT a webelos must have at least one adult attend.) 
 Please email Ryan LaRoche, our Cubmaster with a headcount for your family so we can appropriately plan for food.

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