Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Celebration of Giving

Everyone should have received our December edition of the Cub Scout Courier by now.  If you have not, please email Ryan at evannpd@charter.net.  They were sent to all families via the USPS, so check your mail box or your PO box.  

We will be having our next pack meeting on Tuesday, December 15 starting at 6:30pm at WBES.  This will be our first annual Celebration of Giving event.  If you took a tag from our giving tree back in November, please bring your donation to this event so we can prepare to present it to the receiving family.  We will have a variety of giving activities for everyone to participate in.  Adults will be wrapping our gifts and organizing all food donations; we'll be making fleece blankets to donate to the local fire department; we'll be making "Angels for Aiden" to help a young boy fighting cancer; we'll be making "Postcards for Paris" to cheer up a young girl from town who is also fighting cancer; we'll be making special gifts for the entire school staff.  There will also be our much anticipated bobcat ceremony for all our new boys who have yet to earn this prestigious award.  (Parents of these boys should be prepared to go up on stage) 

We hope to see everyone next Tuesday!  Enjoy your week!  

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