Saturday, January 2, 2016

Extra Fun Available!

Happy New Year everyone!

We wanted to pass along some great news!  We have an opportunity to offer everyone an extra event available only to scouts and their families!  On Friday, February 12, the DCU Center in Worcester is hosting Monster Jam (which is monster trucks, for those of you curious) and they are offering a special scout ticket price.  This is an extra event for the pack, so if you want to go, great, but if you'd rather not, that's fine too.  Here's the info...
Monster Jam 2016
DCU Center, Worcester
Friday, February 12 at 7:30pm
Tickets cost $12 each

We will be reserving 50 seats, so tickets will be on a first pay first served basis.  There will be an "order form" on the bottom of the upcoming Cub Scout Couriers (to be mailed Monday) so you can fill that in and return that with payment to Amy LaRoche, NO LATER THAN JANUARY 18!!
Your tickets will not be officially yours until payment has been made. (Checks can be made out to Pack 118) If you have any questions, please email Amy at

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