Saturday, May 21, 2016

Memorial Day Parade

It's hard to believe it's that time of year again, but the Memorial Day Parade is just around the corner!  The West Brookfield Parade will take place on Monday, May 30 starting at 9am.  Anyone who is marching with the cub scouts should arrive at the Elementary School between 8:30 and 8:45am  IN FULL UNIFORM please!!  Wear comfy shoes, sunscreen, and bring a water bottle.  The parade lasts roughly 2 hours and finishes up at the American Legion (next to NB Savings Bank).  The Legion usually provides refreshments for the parade participants following the completion of the ceremonies.  We'd like to get as many scouts as we possibly can to march with us, as in years past we've lost a lot of scouts who'd rather march with the sports groups.  Let's show West Brookfield that we're proud to be Cub Scouts!!

The Warren Memorial Day takes place on Sunday, May 29.  If any of our boys, especially those from Warren, want to march in that parade, please let Amy or Ryan know ASAP so it can be arranged.  The parade there begins at 1pm.  

If anyone has questions, please contact us!

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