Wednesday, November 30, 2011


A reminder that our bake sale is only a few days away!  Most dens didn't get a chance to see the sign up sheet for bakers/sellers for Sunday.  Please, if you can, we'd love for everyone to bake something (nothing fancy or huge) for us to sell at our bake sale!  It doesn't have to be a lot of something either.  A batch of cookies or a batch of cupcakes is perfect!  If everyone can do a little of one thing, it adds up to a lot of things and that's what we need!  Any baked goods can be brought to the school on Sunday, December 4 from 11:30am on.  You can also drop baked goods off at Ryan's house Friday or Saturday or even early Sunday if you'd rather.  Just give him a call first.  (508)867-8367. We'll be at the sale  from 12-3 selling so any scouts that want to stop by to help us sell, we'll gladly take the help!  (You'll earn some camp cash too!)  If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call your den leader or Ryan the Cubmaster!  Thank you all in advance for your help and support with this event!  It's going to be a GREAT day!

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