Monday, November 7, 2011

WBES Vendor Fair

Just a reminder that this Saturday, November 12 is the WBES Vendor Fair!  We will have our little table set up to sell our corn hot/cold packs.  Some of you signed up to work the fair, but there are still slots open if anyone else wants to join us!  The fair runs from 9-2 but we will be setting up at 8am and finishing up no later than 3 (but probably closer to 2:30).  Please feel free to come up whenever you can!  Any boy that works at the fair (and by "works" we mean actually stands  by the table, talking with customers, taking money, etc. and NOT running around, not paying attention, not actually caring, etc) will earn money for summer camp.  Boys that work the fair should have a responsible adult with them during their "shift" just in case!!  If you have any questions, email Amy at  Don't want to come and sell?  Please stop by and check out the fair.  The vendor fees are all donated to the school so the entire thing benefits all of us!  (maybe you can even buy one of our packs!!)  SEE YOU THEN!!!

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