Sunday, February 26, 2012

March Cub Scout Courier is on it's way!

Keep an eye on your mailboxes this week as the newest edition of the Cub Scout Courier will be put in the mail mid week!  Don't forget...if you'd like this emailed to you, please contact Ryan at and he can make that happen! 

Make sure those derby cars are being worked on!  March is sure to fly by fast and time will run out quickly!  Remember to find the official rules under our pinewood derby link to the left. 

COLLECT THOSE CANS!!!!  We've only had 1 family turn in cans so far!  Please remember to turn them in so we can start saving money for camp cash!  Bring them to any den meeting or pack meeting and we'll be happy to turn them in

1 comment:

  1. UPDATE!!! We've now had 3 families turn in cans!! Keep 'em coming!
