Monday, September 17, 2012

Kickoff Campout Details

So the plans are finally made!  Here are the details on our first campout of the year!!!

Pack 118
Kick off Campout

Friday, September 28-Saturday, September 29
6:30pm Friday-8:30am Saturday
18 Lake St. West Brookfield
(the home of the Segatore family...Thanks guys!)

Ask boys why they want to join scouting and you'll probably hear "to go camping!"  Who are we to disappoint?  This will be a short duration campout due to soccer games and other commitments, but it will be tons of fun just the same!  We will be starting after dinner, so please plan on eating before hand.  There will be a yummy snack cooked over the campfire later in the evening!  We'll sing songs around the campfire, maybe play a few games, eat some tasty treats...and so much more!  This is a family campout, so please bring everyone!  Remember that scouts (except for Webelos) cannot camp alone, so at least 1 adult must be present. 

What should I bring to this campout???

a Tent for your family
a nice warm sleeping bag & pillow
warm pajamas
warm clothes (nights are getting cool)
rain gear (just in case!!!)
a flashlight with extra batteries
toothbrush & toothpaste
bug spray
camp chair if you have one

Pack 118 will be providing the campfire snack as well as breakfast the next morning. We'll also make sure there is plenty of water available for everyone.  

We'll need a rough headcount so we can plan on food, so please let your den leader know if you plan on attending, or you can comment on this post.  

We hope to see everyone there to help get our scouting year off to a GREAT start!! 

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call or email our cubmaster, Ryan LaRoche, at (508)867-8367

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