Saturday, September 8, 2012

Welcome Back 118!!!

We held our annual registration day today, and while we didn't have a huge turnout, we do have 4 new scouts to welcome to the pack!  Nicholas, Owen S, Evan, and Owen A are our first 4 new tigers!  

Even though our "official" sign up was today, we will accept new scouts any time!  We did hear about a few boys who were planning on signing up, so please feel free!  And tell your friends! Most dens start meeting this week (see the schedule below for your den's start date) so if you're interested in joining, you can feel free to drop in and the den leader will be happy to sign your scout up!  Returning scouts, please remember that you still need to register!  

The cost for scouting is $30 for boys that were with us last year and $45 for those boys that were not.  Also available for an extra $12 is the Boys Life Magazine (a scouting magazine for boys).  Checks can be made out to "Pack 118".   If registration fees are an issue for your family, please call Ryan at the phone number below.  Financial difficulties shouldn't be a reason for a boy not to join.  Something can definitely be worked out.  

If you want more information, you can comment on this post below, or you can email our cubmaster, Ryan LaRoche, at or give him a call at (508)867-8367

We hope everyone's looking forward to a year full of scouting fun!! 

Tiger Den (1st Grade boys)--Den #5--Leader, ???? First meeting on Tuesday, September 11 6:30-7:30, WBES Cafeteria

Wolf Den (2nd grade boys)--Den #1--Leaders, Sheri Osborne & Dan Para--first meeting on Tuesday, September 11 6:30-7:30, WBES Cafeteria

Bear Den (3rd grade boys)--Den #2--Leader, Deanna Lucia--First meeting, TBA (keep checking back for more info)
Webelos 1 Den (4th grade boys)--Den #3--Leaders, Amy LaRoche, Amy Gray, & Joan Cook--First meeting, Tuesday, September 11 6:30-8pm, WBES Art room

Webelos 2 Den (5th grade boys)--Den #4--Leader, Ryan LaRoche--First meeting, Tuesday, September 18, 6:30-7:30 WBES Cafeteria

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