Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Merry Christmas Pack 118!

Thank you to all those families that attended our Christmas Around the World pack event last night.  It looked like the boys were having fun, while learning about some pretty cool traditions in other countries.  A HUGE thank you to Doug, Deanna, Cherie, Amy and Joan for putting together and running stations last night.  They are all a part of our pack committee/pack leadership and they did a great job!  (If you'd like to be on our committee, comment on this blog and we'll be in touch with you!)

Every boy that attended last night received his Space Derby rocket kit.  A few notes on that...our space derby race will be held on Tuesday, January 22.  We're going to shoot for 6:30-7:30, but plan on it going a bit later, no later than 8.  We will be sending out official building rules in our January Cub Scout Courier, so please don't start building rockets until you receive that.  Properly built rockets will save a ton of time on race day.  If you find that you're missing parts, please email Ryan at  Boys that didn't attend last night will receive their rockets at their first January den meeting. 

Being that this is a special time of year when people like to help each other, and in light of the tragedy last week in Newtown, a scout mother contacted us with a link to a website that gives a few options for lending a helping hand to those families in Connecticut.  If you have a moment, please feel free to check it out. 

Lastly, we want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and safe New Year!!


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