Monday, December 3, 2012

Thank you!

We wish to send out a HUGE thank you to all those families that helped out for our White Christmas bake sale (especially the Sickenberger Family for the popcorn machine!)!  We managed to raise roughly $130 to put toward summer camp! 
Even though sales were pretty good, we still have a bunch of the cranberry corn bread and also the friendship soup gifts in a jar left over!  They will be available for purchase at our December pack event on December 18th.  They are $7 each, which will be put toward camp. 

Also available for sale is our Pack 118 cookbook!  Joan Cook has worked her tail off to get these done and they look GREAT!!  Thank you to everyone who turned in recipes for her to use!   These will be for sale until we run out--we only have 50 copies!  The cost is $10 each, all the proceeds to benefit upcoming pack events. 

Don't forget about the Worcester Sharks tickets!!  If anyone is interested in buying tickets to the January 19th scout night, please see your den leader for an order form, or email Ryan at  Tickets are $12 for scouts and $13 for everyone else.  Ideally, we'd like to place our order before the end of December, so get those in soon! 

Our Extreme Neckerchief Makeover contest is still in full swing!  Get creative and help us design our new neckerchief!!  Anyone can enter--scouts, siblings, parents, grandparents, etc.  See your den leader for an official entry form. 

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