Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Registrations are Due!!

This is a reminder that all registration forms and payment are due next Friday, March 8th, for those of you interested in attending our Old Sturbridge Village overnighter.  If you need another form, please email Ryan at and he can email you one.  Since we haven't received any reservations yet, we are opening our invitation up to include siblings.  Please make sure they are included on the registration form and in your payment.  Once we receive your payment, we will email you with more detailed information.  We CANNOT accept registrations after our March 8th deadline, as we have to turn in paperwork to OSV that weekend.  Your best option is to bring your paperwork and payment to Tuesday's den meetings and give them to Ryan or Amy.  If you are in our bear den, or won't be at scouts, you can mail them via snail mail or drop them off to:

Pack 118
c/o Ryan LaRoche
131 New Braintree Rd
West Brookfield, MA 01585

Checks may be made out to Pack 118. 

Also, our penny wars are getting hot, hot, HOT!!  The wolf den is taking a considerable lead and will begin filling jug number 2 next week!  Penny Wars and our can CAMPaign will continue through the entire month of March, so save your coins and your cans!!!

Don't forget to be working on your Pinewood Derby cars!!  The district pinewood derby is Saturday, March 9th from 1-3pm in Charlton.  If you are interested in attending, please email Ryan.  Our pinewood is the following weekend, so get going!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Old Sturbridge Village Overnight

Hopefully by now you've all received your February edition of the Cub Scout Courier!  Included, you should have found a registration form for an overnight trip to Old Sturbridge Village.  We want to remind everyone that we have less than a month left to register for this awesome event!  This will be taking place on Saturday, April 6-Sunday, April 7th.  The cost is $15 for each cub scout and $35 for each adult.  (If you check out the link below, you will find that the OSV site says the price is higher.  The pack is cutting the cost for everyone to attend) Webelos do not have to have an adult with them overnight, but everyone else does.  The cost includes any program materials, a late night snack, breakfast in the morning, and admission to the park on either Saturday April 6 (which is a special OSV scout day) or Sunday, April 7th.   We only have a total of 50 slots available, so if you'd like to attend, please sign up soon!  You can mail the bottom of your registration form to Ryan LaRoche, 131 New Braintree Rd, West Brookfield, MA 01585.  Please include your payment.  Checks can be made out to "Pack 118".  Or you can simply give the form and payment to your den leader at your meetings.  We need to pay our balance to OSV 4 weeks before our arrival, so we need all registrations and fees in to us NO LATER THAN MARCH 8th!!!  We will allow siblings to join us if we can't fill all 50 slots. (we'll let everyone know on March 1st if there's room) There's a spot on the registration form if you'd like to "reserve" spots for them.  Again, it's a first come, first served registration. 

Check this link out for more information!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Penny for your Thoughts?

Penny Wars are really starting to heat up!  The Webelos 1 den did some sneaking around at last night's den meetings dropping silver into unsuspecting buckets.  There's even talks of a pact of sorts between our tigers and Webelos 2 dens.  Which den will have the most pennies?  Only time will tell...

Keep bringing your loose change to den meetings and pack events!  Penny jugs will be out at every den meeting.  Remember that every single cent raised will be divided between the boys in each den to put toward summer camp.  It may not end up being a lot, but every little bit will help. 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Thanks for Coming!

We would like to thank everyone for attending last night's Blue and Gold Banquet celebration!  Even though we only had 16 scouts, the birthday spirit was high!  Our evening was dedicated to three fallen Tiger Cubs: Chase Kowalski and Benjamin Wheeler (2 of the Sandy Hook victims) and Dominic Brown of North Brookfield.  Our own tigers each lit a candle in memory of these young boys. 

Another thank you goes out to everyone who brought a dish for our meal.  Everything was delicious!  We truly appreciate the time and effort that went into preparing those dishes.  Congratulations to all the boys on the hard work that was done to earn the advancements that were given out!  Keep up the good work! 

Our next pack event will be our Pinewood Derby on March 16.  The cars are a lot more involved than the rockets, so the sooner you start working, the better off you'll be.  Remember that ALL cars MUST be build according to the rules on our Pinewood Derby Rules page on this blog.  If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email Ryan at