Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Old Sturbridge Village Overnight

Hopefully by now you've all received your February edition of the Cub Scout Courier!  Included, you should have found a registration form for an overnight trip to Old Sturbridge Village.  We want to remind everyone that we have less than a month left to register for this awesome event!  This will be taking place on Saturday, April 6-Sunday, April 7th.  The cost is $15 for each cub scout and $35 for each adult.  (If you check out the link below, you will find that the OSV site says the price is higher.  The pack is cutting the cost for everyone to attend) Webelos do not have to have an adult with them overnight, but everyone else does.  The cost includes any program materials, a late night snack, breakfast in the morning, and admission to the park on either Saturday April 6 (which is a special OSV scout day) or Sunday, April 7th.   We only have a total of 50 slots available, so if you'd like to attend, please sign up soon!  You can mail the bottom of your registration form to Ryan LaRoche, 131 New Braintree Rd, West Brookfield, MA 01585.  Please include your payment.  Checks can be made out to "Pack 118".  Or you can simply give the form and payment to your den leader at your meetings.  We need to pay our balance to OSV 4 weeks before our arrival, so we need all registrations and fees in to us NO LATER THAN MARCH 8th!!!  We will allow siblings to join us if we can't fill all 50 slots. (we'll let everyone know on March 1st if there's room) There's a spot on the registration form if you'd like to "reserve" spots for them.  Again, it's a first come, first served registration. 

Check this link out for more information!

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