Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Registrations are Due!!

This is a reminder that all registration forms and payment are due next Friday, March 8th, for those of you interested in attending our Old Sturbridge Village overnighter.  If you need another form, please email Ryan at and he can email you one.  Since we haven't received any reservations yet, we are opening our invitation up to include siblings.  Please make sure they are included on the registration form and in your payment.  Once we receive your payment, we will email you with more detailed information.  We CANNOT accept registrations after our March 8th deadline, as we have to turn in paperwork to OSV that weekend.  Your best option is to bring your paperwork and payment to Tuesday's den meetings and give them to Ryan or Amy.  If you are in our bear den, or won't be at scouts, you can mail them via snail mail or drop them off to:

Pack 118
c/o Ryan LaRoche
131 New Braintree Rd
West Brookfield, MA 01585

Checks may be made out to Pack 118. 

Also, our penny wars are getting hot, hot, HOT!!  The wolf den is taking a considerable lead and will begin filling jug number 2 next week!  Penny Wars and our can CAMPaign will continue through the entire month of March, so save your coins and your cans!!!

Don't forget to be working on your Pinewood Derby cars!!  The district pinewood derby is Saturday, March 9th from 1-3pm in Charlton.  If you are interested in attending, please email Ryan.  Our pinewood is the following weekend, so get going!!

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