Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Welcome Back everyone!

Welcome back, Pack 118!!  Most of you had your first meeting last night--hopefully they went great!  We have a lot of new faces this year which is always great to see! 
Our tiger and bear dens went home with their October Cub Scout Courier last night.  Everyone else will have them either emailed or snail mailed today.  There is important information on our very first "scouting outing" coming up on October 4th, as well as some other upcoming events.  If you'd prefer to receive your newsletter via email, please let us know by emailing Ryan LaRoche at and we'll add you to our courier group. 
Tomorrow night is WBES open house night.  Pack 118 will have a table set up in the cafeteria so stop by to say hi!  If you have any friends interested in joining our group, feel free to send them our way so they can get more information or even sign up!  Any registered cub scout that gets a buddy to sign up (any time during the year) will receive a very special "Recruiter" patch.  We will accept scouts any time--not just at the beginning of the year. 
For all the new families that have questions on the placement of uniform patches, follow this link: and feel free to email Ryan if you still have questions

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