Monday, September 22, 2014

Camp Out Supply List

Our first pack camp out of the year is coming up on the weekend of October 4th.  If you'd like to join us, please make sure you email Ryan at as soon as possible.  We are planning lots of fun events including a "mystery belt loop" for boys to work on.  The camp out will take place at our scout camp at Treasure Valley (394 Pleasantdale Rd, Rutland, MA) starting at 2pm on Saturday the 4th.  We will depart on Sunday the 5th by 9am.  We realize that many of our boys play soccer and baseball, which is why you can attend any time on Saturday after 2.  Don't want to stay overnight?  That's ok too.  Come for the fun during the day and leave when you'd like.  We will be supplying dinner, an evening snack, and breakfast.  We are asking families to supply their own waterbottles (preferably reusable ones) filled with water or any other drinks for your family to enjoy (no alcohol please!).  See below for our complete list of what to bring:

A tent
Sleeping bag or blankets
Warm clothes (it will get cool after the sun goes down)
Rain gear (just in case)
Air Mattress (optional)
Extra batteries
Sturdy shoes (NO FLIPFLOPS)
Bug spray
Waterbottle with water
Extra socks
Fishing gear (if you'd like to fish)
Camp chair
Stuff to play with (football, playing cards, etc)
Scout uniforms are not necessary, but boys can wear their hats. 

Check back early next week when we will post a rough schedule of events for the camp out. 

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