Thursday, October 2, 2014

Camp Out Schedule of Events

Good afternoon everyone!  As promised last week, here's our rough schedule of events for our camp out this weekend.  Keep in mind that rain is in the forecast.  We will be watching the weather tonight to make our final call.  Please check back tomorrow morning for our final ruling on whether or not the camp out will go on.  (It does look like we will still have it though, since we have so many boys signed up!)

Saturday, October 4, 2014

2:00pm--everyone can arrive after this time.  We are using the campsite "Evergreen".  Once you drive into Treasure Valley, follow the road until you come to a fork with a brown visitor center in front of you.  Bear to the left.  Down the hill there will be a driveway on your right with another brown building in front of you (don't take the dirt road in front of the building.  The driveway is  the right before that) You will see an opening on the right hand side of the parking lot.  This is our campsite.  You are welcome to park in site or in the parking lot.  Once you get into site, find a spot and set up your area.  You may use the wooden platforms or the ground. 

3:00pm--we will head everyone down to our sports field, Boonesville, for our mystery belt loop as well as some teamwork activities. 

4:30pm--there will be some free time before dinner.  This would be the time for boys to go fishing (bring your own gear!), take a hike, play in the site, etc.  We will be getting the fire ready as well as prepping our meal. 

5:30pm--we will begin making dinner and eating too!

7:00pm--we have a special teamwork project to work on that will help us at an upcoming event

8:00pm--we'll have a campfire with songs and skits as well as some dessert.  Families are welcome to head to bed at any time. 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Rise and shine anytime!  We will serve a simple breakfast, probably just cereal and fruit.  Families will pack their gear.  Everyone will depart by 9am. 

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