Thursday, October 16, 2014

Pack Meeting this Tuesday!

Because so many families signed up for our campout and because only half of them actually came, we've decided that the boys shouldn't miss out on some October Cub Scout fun!  We will be having our first Pack meeting this coming Tuesday, October 21 from 6:30-7:30 at the elementary school. (For those of you new to cub scouting, a Pack meeting is where ALL the scouts in all the dens get together for a meeting instead of just each individual age group, or den.) We will have autumn themed games and activities as well as some preparation for our vendor fair sale coming up in November.  If kids (or adults!) would like to wear costumes, please feel free to do so.  Originally, this was planned for the art room in the school, but we are now able to use the cafeteria.  Spread the word! Bring the whole family! 

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