Thursday, October 23, 2014

Spook O Ree This Weekend

This is an update for any families that have signed up to attend this weekend's Spook O Ree event at Treasure Valley.  The event takes place on Saturday, October 25 and will run from 3pm-8pm at Treasure Valley Scout Reservation (394 Pleasantdale Rd, Rutland).  You do not have to be there the entire time.  It's a drop in type of event.  You arrive when you can and leave when you want to.  When you first drive into the valley, there is a big white farm house in front of you and a small road to the right.  You will be directed to drive that way and park in the big field.  From there, a shuttle will take you to the East Lodge building where you will have to check in.  Last year, they had sheets with pack number on them (remember we are Pack 118!) and you just had to write the scout's name on the sheet.  We assume it will be a similar process this year.  Boys should wear their Halloween costume, but don't have to.  The event staff is asking that boys do not wear masks or bring weapons.  Boys should also bring a bag or bucket to collect treats in.  If you plan on being there after dark, make sure you bring a flashlight as it gets very dark.  There are tons of games and other activities set up down the hill from where you check in, so its important that you have fun!  When you're ready to leave, the shuttle will take you from East Lodge back to the parking lot, or if you're super brave, you can hike back up the hill.  Ryan and I will be camp masters for the weekend and are stationed at the brown Magee Visitor Center so if you do walk up the hill, make sure you stop in to visit!  (we'll have treats to give out!!)  If you have any questions, please make sure you contact Ryan at

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Pack Meeting this Tuesday!

Because so many families signed up for our campout and because only half of them actually came, we've decided that the boys shouldn't miss out on some October Cub Scout fun!  We will be having our first Pack meeting this coming Tuesday, October 21 from 6:30-7:30 at the elementary school. (For those of you new to cub scouting, a Pack meeting is where ALL the scouts in all the dens get together for a meeting instead of just each individual age group, or den.) We will have autumn themed games and activities as well as some preparation for our vendor fair sale coming up in November.  If kids (or adults!) would like to wear costumes, please feel free to do so.  Originally, this was planned for the art room in the school, but we are now able to use the cafeteria.  Spread the word! Bring the whole family! 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Camp out Canceled, Sort of...

A HUGE thank you to all the families that attended our rainy day fun at Treasure Valley last weekend.  Every boy that attended will earn his fishing belt loop if he hasn't already done so. Of course it rained, but the boys and parents had some great spirit!  Here are some pictures from our afternoon...

We will be having a "regular" pack meeting this month as well on Tuesday, October 21 from 6:30-7:30.  There is a town meeting that night, so we will be meeting in the front of the school outside the art room.  We will have some games and activities for the kids as well as putting together some bird feeders for our upcoming vendor fair camp fundraiser. 

Friday, October 3, 2014

Tomorrow's Camp Out

So, the moment we've all been waiting for...
After watching the weather all week, yes, it's going to rain.  However, it looks like it will be mostly later in the evening into overnight.  That probably won't be the case, but we've spent a lot of time looking at different weather stations and watching radar.  It wasn't an easy decision.  The biggest deciding factor is that we have 50 people signed up to come!!!  We've never had that many for a Pack 118 camp out!  That being said, if you decide to not join us due to the rain, we totally understand.  If you're not coming and you read this before 2pm on Saturday, please email Ryan at or text/call him at (774)200-1418 so we can adjust our roster.  Likewise, if you haven't signed up yet, we're happy to add you on!  It's going to be an awesome time!! (just remember to pack extra socks!!)

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Camp Out Schedule of Events

Good afternoon everyone!  As promised last week, here's our rough schedule of events for our camp out this weekend.  Keep in mind that rain is in the forecast.  We will be watching the weather tonight to make our final call.  Please check back tomorrow morning for our final ruling on whether or not the camp out will go on.  (It does look like we will still have it though, since we have so many boys signed up!)

Saturday, October 4, 2014

2:00pm--everyone can arrive after this time.  We are using the campsite "Evergreen".  Once you drive into Treasure Valley, follow the road until you come to a fork with a brown visitor center in front of you.  Bear to the left.  Down the hill there will be a driveway on your right with another brown building in front of you (don't take the dirt road in front of the building.  The driveway is  the right before that) You will see an opening on the right hand side of the parking lot.  This is our campsite.  You are welcome to park in site or in the parking lot.  Once you get into site, find a spot and set up your area.  You may use the wooden platforms or the ground. 

3:00pm--we will head everyone down to our sports field, Boonesville, for our mystery belt loop as well as some teamwork activities. 

4:30pm--there will be some free time before dinner.  This would be the time for boys to go fishing (bring your own gear!), take a hike, play in the site, etc.  We will be getting the fire ready as well as prepping our meal. 

5:30pm--we will begin making dinner and eating too!

7:00pm--we have a special teamwork project to work on that will help us at an upcoming event

8:00pm--we'll have a campfire with songs and skits as well as some dessert.  Families are welcome to head to bed at any time. 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Rise and shine anytime!  We will serve a simple breakfast, probably just cereal and fruit.  Families will pack their gear.  Everyone will depart by 9am.