Thursday, March 31, 2016

Scouting For Food Routes

As promised, here is the list of the Scouting for Food routes.  Please remember that all bags and flyers need to be passed out to as many homes on your route as possible by this Saturday, April 2.  If you have any questions or concerns about your route, please email Ryan at  

Jacob B--North Main St
Roman B--Pleasant St
Cody & Caleb B--Longhill Road
Talon C--Madden Road & Shea Road
Nick C--Wickaboag Valley Road
Wyatt F--Center of Town
Isaac G--New Braintree road
Keegan J--Central Street
Gage L--West St
Nathan M--Ware St
Kristofer M--Maple St & Winter St
Gabe M--Woods Rd
Nick O--Sheldon Drive and your end of New Braintree road
Dennis P--Bemis Rd
Eric S--Pierce Road
Dylan S--Lake Street & Cottage St.
Ayden S--Birch St
Morgen & Jacob S--Wigwam Rd
Richie T--Foster Hill Road
Max K--Chapman Ave & Char-Mil drive (just up the street on the opposite side of the Boy Scout meeting Hall)

Our out of town boys can collect in their own town or we can assign you a WB route.  Just let Ryan know if you need one!

Thank you everyone!  Please do your best to give out all of your bags!!

Monday, March 28, 2016

Scouting For Food

The April Cub Scout Couriers have been sent to everyone via email.  We will have some paper copies with us at scout meetings for the next week or so in case you'd like a hard copy and don't want to print it.  

Boys will be receiving some information regarding our upcoming Scouting for Food mission.  The Sharing Cupboard (the local food pantry that serves both West Brookfield and Warren) is desperately trying to fill their shelves for the spring so we're holding a food drive to help them out.  Boys will each receive 20 paper bags (35 for families with 2 or more scouts), flyers for each bag, an information sheet, and an assigned route.  The principle is pretty simple.  Boys staple flyers to the bags and then boys and parents drop off bags to houses on their route (in most cases their own neighborhood) by Saturday, April 2.  Then, on Saturday, April 9, families will go back to the homes they dropped bags off to and pick up the bags that are hopefully full of donated food.  We will meet on Saturday the 9th between 11am and 12 noon at the Congregational Church which houses the Sharing cupboard to drop off all of our donations.  

Things to note...

--There should be no need to enter any homes for any reason.  Bags can be left right outside the door and will be left at the end of the driveway for pick up.  

--Boys should wear their uniforms when dropping bags off and when picking them up again. 

--If boys want to work together, that's great!  We do ask that if boys buddy up, that both routes get covered. 

--Boys from towns other than WB will not be assigned a route.  They may choose to deliver bags in their own neighborhood and then follow the pick up procedures on the 9th, or we can assign a street not yet covered in West Brookfield.  Just because boys are from out of town doesn't mean we don't want them to participate.  We certainly do!

--By midweek, all boys and their routes will be listed here on the blog.

--If you have a problem with drop off, pick up, your route, etc, please contact Ryan at

We want to thank everyone in advance for all the help that will be involved in this.  This is the first time we are trying this Scouting for Food in this manner, so we're going to do our best to make this work.  We will certainly be open to ideas for next year on how to improve!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Many congratulations to all of our scouts for a terrific pinewood derby!  The cars looked fantastic and we certainly hope all the boys are proud of what they accomplished-trophy or not.  A huge thank you to Kelly and the bear den for putting on an awesome carnival!   A lot of hard work, time, and creativity was put in over many weeks of planning and we all certainly appreciate the efforts of the boys who had to run the games.  All that being said, we can't thank everyone enough for all your help during and after the derby.  A huge thanks to all the leaders who helped out with setting up, cleaning up, running the derby, etc.  A huge thanks to all the boy scout and high school volunteers.  A huge thanks to the parents who ran concessions, cleaned up the cafeteria, and who didn't complain (too much!) about us going way over on time.  We have the best pack around, and this is why!!  

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Pinewood Derby!!!

Is this what your son's pinewood derby car looks like?  If so, it's seriously time to get started!

Remember that we will have our pinewood derby check in/inspection night on Friday, March 18th from 6pm-7:30pm in the West Brookfield Cafeteria.  Our races will be held on Saturday, March 19th starting at 3pm.  If you cannot make the check in on Friday (and remember that you can come up anytime for 5-10 minutes just to check the car in) you must be at the derby by 2:30 on Saturday so the car may be checked in.  Cars cannot race with their den once the racing has started.  
Our bear den is getting super excited because they will be putting on a carnival for everyone during our derby!  They've spent months planning and making games, deciding on prizes, and choosing activities, so make sure you check it out!  We will also have some light refreshments available for sale (to benefit our campership fund).  We'll have popcorn, snocones, water, and various baked goods.  If anyone would like to bring some baked goods, please feel free to do so!

Please remember that all cars must follow the specifications that are listed on our "pinewood derby rules" page on this blog.  We WILL NOT race any cars that have wet paint or glue so do not wait until the last minute!!

Thursday, March 3, 2016


The cubmaster's living room is full of cardboard boxes and that can only mean 1 thing--our camp fundraiser has come in!!  If you participated in selling, Amy will have your product on Tuesday at the school.  Please head to the cafeteria at some point to pick up your items.  Be sure to look over your order carefully for any errors and let Amy know ASAP if something isn't right.  

We've gotten word that the Mohegan Council website has gone live with online camp registration.  Information will be going out to all families this weekend regarding how to sign up for camp and other general camp information.  

The pinewood derby is quickly approaching!!  Make sure to start your cars very soon.  We absolutely cannot race any cars with wet paint or glue, so starting the night before isn't a good idea!  We will have some extra cars on Tuesday for anyone who'd like to purchase a second car.  This will be the last Tuesday that cars will be available.  ($4 each)