Monday, March 28, 2016

Scouting For Food

The April Cub Scout Couriers have been sent to everyone via email.  We will have some paper copies with us at scout meetings for the next week or so in case you'd like a hard copy and don't want to print it.  

Boys will be receiving some information regarding our upcoming Scouting for Food mission.  The Sharing Cupboard (the local food pantry that serves both West Brookfield and Warren) is desperately trying to fill their shelves for the spring so we're holding a food drive to help them out.  Boys will each receive 20 paper bags (35 for families with 2 or more scouts), flyers for each bag, an information sheet, and an assigned route.  The principle is pretty simple.  Boys staple flyers to the bags and then boys and parents drop off bags to houses on their route (in most cases their own neighborhood) by Saturday, April 2.  Then, on Saturday, April 9, families will go back to the homes they dropped bags off to and pick up the bags that are hopefully full of donated food.  We will meet on Saturday the 9th between 11am and 12 noon at the Congregational Church which houses the Sharing cupboard to drop off all of our donations.  

Things to note...

--There should be no need to enter any homes for any reason.  Bags can be left right outside the door and will be left at the end of the driveway for pick up.  

--Boys should wear their uniforms when dropping bags off and when picking them up again. 

--If boys want to work together, that's great!  We do ask that if boys buddy up, that both routes get covered. 

--Boys from towns other than WB will not be assigned a route.  They may choose to deliver bags in their own neighborhood and then follow the pick up procedures on the 9th, or we can assign a street not yet covered in West Brookfield.  Just because boys are from out of town doesn't mean we don't want them to participate.  We certainly do!

--By midweek, all boys and their routes will be listed here on the blog.

--If you have a problem with drop off, pick up, your route, etc, please contact Ryan at

We want to thank everyone in advance for all the help that will be involved in this.  This is the first time we are trying this Scouting for Food in this manner, so we're going to do our best to make this work.  We will certainly be open to ideas for next year on how to improve!

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