Thursday, March 3, 2016


The cubmaster's living room is full of cardboard boxes and that can only mean 1 thing--our camp fundraiser has come in!!  If you participated in selling, Amy will have your product on Tuesday at the school.  Please head to the cafeteria at some point to pick up your items.  Be sure to look over your order carefully for any errors and let Amy know ASAP if something isn't right.  

We've gotten word that the Mohegan Council website has gone live with online camp registration.  Information will be going out to all families this weekend regarding how to sign up for camp and other general camp information.  

The pinewood derby is quickly approaching!!  Make sure to start your cars very soon.  We absolutely cannot race any cars with wet paint or glue, so starting the night before isn't a good idea!  We will have some extra cars on Tuesday for anyone who'd like to purchase a second car.  This will be the last Tuesday that cars will be available.  ($4 each)

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