Sunday, October 28, 2012

Weather update

With the potential for some "snow days" with Hurricane Sandy, we want to remind everyone that if the Quaboag Regional School District cancels school for Tuesday, den meetings will also be canceled.  We hope everyone makes it thru safely! 

Also, Cub Scout Couriers for November will be mailed out on Monday, so watch your mailboxes!  If you'd like to have it emailed to you, please let Ryan know! 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Awesome Fall Festival

We would like to thank everyone for coming out to our first pack event--the Fall Festival!  Believe it or not, this was our best attended event EVER!!  We were only missing 3, that's right, 3 boys!! The weather was gorgeous and the boys had fun!  We do apologize for running over on time...we will try much harder in November! 
We do have a ton of people to thank for making our fall festival a success.  First off, our committee/leaders!  Joan, Amy G, Doug, Laurie, Cherie, Amy L, Dan, and Ryan have all worked really hard at planning and putting together the events.  Joan, thank you for all the clothes, the pumpkins, and the leaves.  Cherie, thank you also for your leaves.  Laurie, thank you for getting the cider for us.  Dan and Sheri, thank you for helping out with the fruit loops game. Doug, thank you for your help in setting up and getting the cider ready.  Amy and Amy, thanks for keeping those Webelos under control!  We also had a lot of donations presented to us and we'd like to make sure they are mentioned.  THANK YOU to Allen's Cider Mill here in town for donating our cider.  Thank you to Samek's farm stand for donating some of our pumpkins and thank you to the Bousquet family for pitching in the rest!  Thank you to Lowe's for donating our bales of hay.  And a big thank you to Mrs. Mucha for letting us display our scarecrows in front of the school. 
We hope everyone had a good time and we hope to see you all at our November pack event on Tuesday the 20th.  Cub Scout Couriers will be sent out this week with more information. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Kickoff Campout--NO RAIN!!

After changing the date of our Kickoff Campout, twice, we FINALLY were able to have beautiful weather!  Even though we only had 8 boys attend (and a couple other siblilngs), and the overnight got a bit chilly,  the boys had a great time!  The highlight of the evening was the much anticipated "meteor shower" that began lighting up the night sky around 10pm.  While we didn't get to see the peak of the shower, it was still fun to watch the clear night sky.  We have to send out very special thank yous to Eli, who kept our fire stoked and hot, to the entire Segatore family for letting us take over their field, and to R.Barnes Sanitation for donating a porta potty for our evening.  All in all the campout was a success, but we need more kids camping!  Don't worry though...there will be another campout in May!!!

Some of the boys got tired waiting to see the meteor shower!

Our happy little group of campers...and Murphy!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Events this week

We wanted to remind everyone of a couple updates for this coming week...

#1--Saturday  night is our kickoff campout!!!  The weather is going to be beautiful tomorrow, and nice and warm!!  Make sure you bring tent stakes though, as it's supposed to get windy!  Arrive after dinner (between 5:30 and 6:30 would be ideal) and leave after breakfast in the morning.  It's going to be FUN!! (See the previous post for more detailed information)

#2--Our Fall Festival Pack Event will take place on Tuesday, October 23rd, from 6:30-7:30 pm.  This will be held outside (right now it looks like a dry day) so please dress accordingly.  Parents may also bring chairs to sit in if desired.  The boys will make scarecrows to display outside the art room, play a game to earn the "spirit stick", and have some fun around a campfire.  If anyone would like to bring a carved pumpkin for us to light, please do!  It'll add to the ambiance of the evening!  If we get enough entries, we'll have a prize for the most creative one!  As always, it's a family event so siblings are more than welcome to join in the fun!  Warm cider will be served as a refreshment as well.  Uniforms aren't really required as we'll all be outside wearing jackets.   We will meet for this event right outside the art room doors at the school.  Just look for the Cub Scout Sign out front. 

We hope to see many people enjoy these events with us!  Any questions?  Don't hesitate to call our Cubmaster, Ryan, at (774)200-1418 or (508)867-8367

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Campout is on!!!


Our kickoff campout will take place this weekend...with one little change.  If you've seen the weather report, you know it's going to rain Friday and Saturday morning.  (of course!) Because of this, we've decided to bump the campout up a night, and go Saturday night to Sunday morning.  We will still meet after dinner so please plan on that.  It will still be at the Segatore home at 18 Lake street here in town. Arrival anytime after 5:30pm would be great.  (keeping in mind that it gets darker earlier and you'll have to pitch a tent.)  We will have a nice warm snack off the campfire, sing songs, play games, have tons of FUN!!!  Breakfast will be served in the morning and after that everyone is free to depart. 

*Due to the rain, it might be a good idea to bring a tarp big enough for your tent to sit on.  This will create a nice barrier between your tent (and sleeping bag!) and the wet ground***

What should I bring camping???

--A tent
--Sleeping bag/pillow
--Tent or other ground cover
--Warm clothes to sleep in
--Camp chair
--Rain gear (pack 118 ALWAYS brings rain gear!)

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call Ryan LaRoche at (508)867-8367 or email at

Hope to see you all there!!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Spook-o-ree Reminder

This is a just a reminder to everyone that if you are interested in attending our Council's Spook-o-ree event you must get your registration form and payment in to your den leader by the end of next week!  We cannot sign you up after October 17th!! If you have any questions or would like more information, please either comment on this post or email our Cubmaster at

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Scouting Outing Alert!!!

We want to let everyone know about a very special "Scouting Outing" that is coming up!  Our scouting Council (Mohegan Council) is running a council-wide spook-o-ree this year!  In previous years, it's been a district (ours is Massasoit) event.  This is being held on Saturday, October 27 from 3-8pm at Treasure Valley.  What is it?  It's a HUGE Halloween type party.  Kids can come in costume and they get to play all sorts of themed games, do activities, haunted houses, etc.  Fliers went home with boys last night (Bear den will get them Friday at soccer!) and need to be returned soon.  It really is a fun time for everyone who attends.  Oh yeah, the scouts all get a patch for attending!!  If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call Ryan at (508)867-8367

Monday, October 1, 2012

Campout Rescheduled

We hope everyone enjoyed their cool, rainy weekend at home!  Truth be told, we did!  We have decided to give the campout a second try.  We will schedule it for Friday, October 19-Saturday, October 20.  Time will still be around 6:30 Friday night until about 8:30 Saturday morning, and it will still be held at the Segatore's home at 18 Lake street.  In the event of rain again, we will simply cancel this event for the fall. 

We've heard a few comments through the grapevine that boys didn't want to come out camping if it's in someone's backyard.  They'd rather it be in the woods somewhere.  Here are our thoughts on this.  We have a bunch of new boys in the pack this year and we wanted to break them in gently.  Giving first time campers a place to camp that's close to home will help give them a great camping experience.  In the spring, we most certainly will go camping at Treasure Valley to satisfy all you "true" campers out there.  Please come anyway, as it will be TONS of fun!!