Sunday, October 21, 2012

Kickoff Campout--NO RAIN!!

After changing the date of our Kickoff Campout, twice, we FINALLY were able to have beautiful weather!  Even though we only had 8 boys attend (and a couple other siblilngs), and the overnight got a bit chilly,  the boys had a great time!  The highlight of the evening was the much anticipated "meteor shower" that began lighting up the night sky around 10pm.  While we didn't get to see the peak of the shower, it was still fun to watch the clear night sky.  We have to send out very special thank yous to Eli, who kept our fire stoked and hot, to the entire Segatore family for letting us take over their field, and to R.Barnes Sanitation for donating a porta potty for our evening.  All in all the campout was a success, but we need more kids camping!  Don't worry though...there will be another campout in May!!!

Some of the boys got tired waiting to see the meteor shower!

Our happy little group of campers...and Murphy!

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