Friday, October 19, 2012

Events this week

We wanted to remind everyone of a couple updates for this coming week...

#1--Saturday  night is our kickoff campout!!!  The weather is going to be beautiful tomorrow, and nice and warm!!  Make sure you bring tent stakes though, as it's supposed to get windy!  Arrive after dinner (between 5:30 and 6:30 would be ideal) and leave after breakfast in the morning.  It's going to be FUN!! (See the previous post for more detailed information)

#2--Our Fall Festival Pack Event will take place on Tuesday, October 23rd, from 6:30-7:30 pm.  This will be held outside (right now it looks like a dry day) so please dress accordingly.  Parents may also bring chairs to sit in if desired.  The boys will make scarecrows to display outside the art room, play a game to earn the "spirit stick", and have some fun around a campfire.  If anyone would like to bring a carved pumpkin for us to light, please do!  It'll add to the ambiance of the evening!  If we get enough entries, we'll have a prize for the most creative one!  As always, it's a family event so siblings are more than welcome to join in the fun!  Warm cider will be served as a refreshment as well.  Uniforms aren't really required as we'll all be outside wearing jackets.   We will meet for this event right outside the art room doors at the school.  Just look for the Cub Scout Sign out front. 

We hope to see many people enjoy these events with us!  Any questions?  Don't hesitate to call our Cubmaster, Ryan, at (774)200-1418 or (508)867-8367

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