Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Campout is on!!!


Our kickoff campout will take place this weekend...with one little change.  If you've seen the weather report, you know it's going to rain Friday and Saturday morning.  (of course!) Because of this, we've decided to bump the campout up a night, and go Saturday night to Sunday morning.  We will still meet after dinner so please plan on that.  It will still be at the Segatore home at 18 Lake street here in town. Arrival anytime after 5:30pm would be great.  (keeping in mind that it gets darker earlier and you'll have to pitch a tent.)  We will have a nice warm snack off the campfire, sing songs, play games, have tons of FUN!!!  Breakfast will be served in the morning and after that everyone is free to depart. 

*Due to the rain, it might be a good idea to bring a tarp big enough for your tent to sit on.  This will create a nice barrier between your tent (and sleeping bag!) and the wet ground***

What should I bring camping???

--A tent
--Sleeping bag/pillow
--Tent or other ground cover
--Warm clothes to sleep in
--Camp chair
--Rain gear (pack 118 ALWAYS brings rain gear!)

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call Ryan LaRoche at (508)867-8367 or email at

Hope to see you all there!!!!

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