Wednesday, November 28, 2012

White Christmas

White Christmas Celebration!!!

This Sunday from 12-3 is our bake sale at the school!!  We desperately need baked goods, individually wrapped, to sell.  We also need boys, in uniform, to help us sell.  Goodies can be dropped off at the school any time after 11:30 on Sunday, or they can be dropped off at Ryan's house anytime Friday or Saturday.  (131 New Braintree Road)  All the proceeds will go to the boys for summer camp.  Please comment on this post if you are interested in selling or email Amy at

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Pack Updates

We have a few "housekeeping" items that we just want to make sure everyone knows...

--Scentsy fundraisers are due this Tuesday, the 27th.  All order forms and payments are due at this time.  Remember that your scout will earn 25% of his total sales toward his summer camp tuition.  Scentsy products make great gifts too! 

--West Brookfield is holding it's annual White Christmas on Sunday, December 2nd and the pack will once again hold it's bake sale at the school.  We are in need of families to bake goods for us to sell.  If you are willing to help, we ask that you please wrap items individually to help make them easier to sell and bring them up to the school around noon.  We will also be selling our leftover gifts in a jar as well as corn packs.  We will also need boys to help us sell our goods.  If you are interested in doing so, you may comment on this blog or email Ryan at  This event runs from 12-3 so boys can work in small 1/2 hour to 1 hour shifts.  This bake sale will also go toward summer camp. 

--Cub Scout Couriers will be in the mail within a day or 2 so please be watching your mailboxes.  If you prefer to have it emailed to you, please let Amy know at

--Again we'd like to thank Corey Buzzell from Elite Martial Arts in Spencer for helping us out at our pack event this past week.  We want to remind everyone that he has offered our boys a FANTASTIC deal for the Christmas season!!  He is offering 6 weeks of classes for only $69!!!  AND....if you sign up for these online, he will donate that entire fee back to the pack!!  Please visit his website for more information. 

Also be sure to check out our Respect Wall in the hallway!!

--Our Extreme Neckerchief Makeover has begun.  Sheets were passed out at our pack event but more are still available.  Den leaders will have them at upcoming den meetings if you are interested.  Basically, we're asking scouts, siblings, parents, etc to help us design a new neckerchief for Pack 118.  We think it's time for an update and we want everyone to be involved. 

--Pack 118 will be attending at Worcester Sharks ice hockey game on January 19.  Ticket order forms will be available at upcoming den meetings. 

--Lastly, while we appreciate everyone who donated toys for our toy drive, our box is still on the empty side!  We will continue to collect new, unwrapped toys for the next couple weeks.  Simply bring them to your den meeting and give them to your den leader.  All toys stay in the West Brookfield area and help bring a smile to children's faces Christmas morning. 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

We would like to thank everyone who came out to our Respect Rally last night!  A special thank you goes out to Corey Buzzell and his demonstration team for performing for us.  Corey delivered a very important message and it seems as though every boy in the room picked up on it.  Also, a huge thank you to everyone who brought in a donation for our Toys for Joy drive.  Those toys will all be delivered to children in West Brookfield who otherwise wouldn't be able to have Christmas.  We will still take any toy donations if anyone else would like to contribute.  You can bring them to your den leader for the next 2 weeks. 

All that being said, we would like to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving! 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Respect Rally

Tuesday, November 20th will be our next pack event.  We will be hosting our first ever Respect Rally!  We have a special guest scheduled to come in to talk about respect and bullying--an important message for everyone!!  We'll have a special Court of Honor to give boys any advancements they've earned so far this year, including those earned at summer camp.  We'll also have our Toys for Joy donation box out and will be collecting new, unwrapped toys to be delivered to needy children in town this Christmas.  We'll also have our Scentsy representative available to show some of her items as well as her scents so anyone selling for that camp fundraiser can see first hand what Scentsy is. 

This event will run from 6:30-7:30pm in the WBES Cafeteria

We hope to see everyone there!  (Uniforms should be worn, as boys will be up on stage)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Vendor Fair a Success!

A big thank you goes out to the 17 boys who spent some time with us Saturday at the vendor fair!  When all was said and done, we were able to raise just over $300 to put toward summer camp!  The boys did a great job talking with their customers and a great job figuring out change! 

We still have plenty of corn packs and gift jars left, so we'll bring those with us when we set up our table at the White Christmas bake sale on December 2nd.  We'll be looking for volunteers to bake and sell at that event also, so be sure to let Amy know if you'd like to help out. You can reach her by commenting on this post.  Proceeds from that will also be put toward camp.  (more information on the White Christmas will be out shortly!)

Scentsy fundraiser information has been given out.  If you are interested in selling Scentsy products for camp cash, please see your den leader if you haven't received your packet yet.  Amy Gray had a Scentsy table at the vendor fair--the products are well made and smell AMAZING!!  Amy will have a table at our "Respect Rally" next Tuesday so everyone can sample her scents.  Feel free to see her then with any questions you may have. 

In the meantime, enjoy this beautiful weather!!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

We'll never forget...

Please remember to thank a veteran!  We wish all our veterans a happy veterans day this Sunday and everyday!  Thank you!!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

After the storm...

Hopefully everyone made it through Hurricane Sandy unharmed!  On behalf of everyone in Pack 118, we'd like to send our thoughts and prayers to those in New Jersey, New York, and other storm ravaged areas who suffered greatly and who are still suffering.  It's a good time for us to remember to count our blessings...

This Tuesday (election day!) there is no school for WBES students.  We are still hoping to have meetings as usual.  We are waiting official word from Mrs. Mucha as to if we can use the school or not, but in the past it has not been an issue.  Please contact your den leader if you are unsure of the status of Tuesday's meeting. 

This week kicks off our first 2 camp fundraisers!!  Amy Gray (assistant webelos 1 den leader) is a Scentsy candle consultant and has generously set us up to sell her products as a camp fundraiser.  Packets are ready to go out and candles are ready to be sold!  Amy will be around to meetings on Tuesday with the packets and to give out additional information.  Scouts will earn 25% of what they sell to put toward summer camp!!  These are amazing candles and make GREAT holiday gifts!

Our second fundraiser will be held this coming Saturday, November 10.  This is the PTG's vendor fair and Pack 118 will have a table set up.  Last year we sold our corn heating pads and made almost $500!!  This year we have some heating pads left as well as some "gifts in a jar".  (Think cookie making ingredients) Boys that attend on Saturday will be given a share of the profits to put toward their summer camp tuition.  If you are interested in having your scout "work", please let Amy LaRoche know at  The fair runs from 9-2 at the elementary school.  We will need boys to help set up around 8am, man the table from 9-2 (in hour or so increments) and to help clean up until about 3pm.  Remember that Tigers need to have a parent present!  Even if you don't want to help us with our table, come check out the fair and support our elementary school!