Monday, November 12, 2012

Vendor Fair a Success!

A big thank you goes out to the 17 boys who spent some time with us Saturday at the vendor fair!  When all was said and done, we were able to raise just over $300 to put toward summer camp!  The boys did a great job talking with their customers and a great job figuring out change! 

We still have plenty of corn packs and gift jars left, so we'll bring those with us when we set up our table at the White Christmas bake sale on December 2nd.  We'll be looking for volunteers to bake and sell at that event also, so be sure to let Amy know if you'd like to help out. You can reach her by commenting on this post.  Proceeds from that will also be put toward camp.  (more information on the White Christmas will be out shortly!)

Scentsy fundraiser information has been given out.  If you are interested in selling Scentsy products for camp cash, please see your den leader if you haven't received your packet yet.  Amy Gray had a Scentsy table at the vendor fair--the products are well made and smell AMAZING!!  Amy will have a table at our "Respect Rally" next Tuesday so everyone can sample her scents.  Feel free to see her then with any questions you may have. 

In the meantime, enjoy this beautiful weather!!

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